The Role of GNSDG Inc.
The GNSDG Inc. is an incorporated body comprised of key stakeholders in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector in the New England and North West Region.
The role of GNSDG is to encourage and assist skills development.
The key objectives are to promote skills development and training, support industry and the community and maintain communication strategies. We achieve these key objectives by:
Conducting Regional Training Awards
Engaging local industries and communities
Improving quality of Vocational Education and Training
Encouraging participation in skills development
Assisting implementation of school to work transition
Developing information technology, media strategies and communicating with members and stakeholders
The GNSDG Inc promotes the NSW Training Awards for the New England Region each year, to acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding achievements of learners across the region. The Committee also promotes VET each year by conducting forums/expos across the region.